best replacement windowsThere are many ways to define the best replacement windows. Of course, one that you love the look of, that keeps your home comfortable and that fits your budget is a good place to start. However, there are some actual things you should consider before choosing your new windows so that you’re satisfied for years to come.

The Best Replacement Windows are Energy Efficient

Ideally, you should start your window search by focusing on windows with an ENERGY STAR® rating. Most homeowners choose new windows because their old ones leak air. Every window manufacturer today offers a variety of ENERGY STAR rated windows in different styles and colors, so finding one that suits your needs should be easy.

Strong Warranty

As you evaluate different window companies, you’ll want to look at the warranties. A good warranty, usually a lifetime warranty, is an indication that a company stands behind their product. Keep in mind, however, that different window manufacturers define “lifetime” differently. Only very few manufacturers cover glass breakage under their warranty.

The Best Replacement Window for You May be Different Than Your Neighbor

Because everyone has different taste and budget, the best replacement window brand for your home may be different than your neighbor. They may love their new windows and their home’s comfort and curb appeal may be greatly improved, but you may not love the look. As you evaluate different replacement window manufacturers, make sure the ones you choose to get a quote for come in the color and styles you want. Look at both the interior and exterior frame and sash colors, the available grid patterns and any important upgrades.

Proper Installation Makes a Difference

Replacement windows are a significant investment in your home. As you begin looking for the best replacement windows, you should also look for highly rated replacement window companies. Although the window comes with a warranty, that doesn’t cover improper installation. That being said, the best replacement windows can only do everything they’re suppose to if they’re installed properly.

If you’re looking for the best replacement windows in the greater Indianapolis area, call Blair Windows & Doors. We offer some of the leading brands of replacement windows, all backed by full factory warranties and ENERGY STAR ratings. And, as a window company with over 50 years’ experience in the window industry, we are expert installers. Reach us by filing out our contact form or calling (317) 356-4666.

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