Indianapolis window companies replace windows all year longThe simple answer is, yes! Indianapolis window companies replace windows all year. The only real hold up is when there are strong winds, heavy rain or snow. In fact, many homeowners contact us in the winter because their homes are drafty and find that we can replace them long before the weather turns mild. In fact, there are many reasons why winter is a better time to call a window company than summer.

Shorter Lead Times

Because many homeowners are under the misconception that Indianapolis window companies don’t install windows in the winter, our lead times are shorter. That means not only can one of our sales consultants see you sooner, but the manufacturers have shorter lead times as well. So, you get your new windows installed sooner too!

Start Saving on Utilities

The cost of heating and cooling our homes has increased dramatically in the past few years. If you’re looking for a way to bring down your utility bills, new widows are one option. rates single pane windows as one of the highest sources of home heat loss. They estimate that by replacing single pane windows with ENERGY STAR® rated double pane windows that you could see a nearly 25% reduction in winter heating bills.

You’ll Be More Comfortable

If you walk from room to room in your home and notice a significant temperature difference, there’s a high probability that it happens because of either poor ventilation to that room or the windows. It’s easy to determine the reason for the problem. If you stand near or walk by the windows and feel the cold air or coming in, the windows are likely to blame. Whether you have single pane or older double pane windows, they can be inefficient.

Call Blair Windows Today!

And, as just about any of the Indianapolis window companies will tell you, an added bonus is that when we replace windows in the winter or early spring, there aren’t mosquitos or other flying pests that can get into your home during the installation process! Call us today at (317) 356-4666 or fill out our contact form to schedule your free consultation and quote today.

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