Blair Windows & Doors LogoLight Information – Our Blog

The goal of our blog is to provide homeowners looking for replacement windows and doors with clear information that answers some of the most common questions. Of course, we invite you to ask us anything you’re wondering – whether we’ve replaced your windows or you’re just in early in the process. Feel free to call (317) 356-4666 or fill out our contact form.

Why Do My Windows Sometimes Fog Up?

Why Do My Windows Sometimes Fog Up?

Window condensation, also known as fogged up windows, happens for many reasons. For example, you’ve probably noticed your mirror and bathroom windows fog up after you take a shower and that’s pretty normal. However, it shouldn’t happen to all your windows frequently....

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See Our Work at Indy-Rama

Indy-Rama is quickly approaching, but you still have time to get your tickets to view the fine homes on Indianapolis’ premier urban home tour. Six builders are presenting their custom-built new homes, remodeled homes, and townhomes throughout downtown. Blair Windows...

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