affordable windowsWe understand that replacement windows aren’t a small investment in your home. However, if you’re considering new windows, you should consider replacing them all at one time. It’s not required, but to get the most benefits and the most affordable windows, you need to replace them together.

You’ll Spend Less Overall

Just like most things, you’ll spend less overall when you buy in quantity. When you purchase a whole home of windows at one time, you’ll get the lowest price, not only because you’re paying today’s price for all the windows, but the total installation will be lower than if you replaced your windows in phases. Manufacturers change their prices all the time due to supply costs. Even the most affordable windows have gone up in price in the past two years. That means if you’re buying windows today and more in a few years, chances are very good that you’ll pay more for each window when you buy them in the future.

More Convenient

Although a window replacement doesn’t require much from the homeowner, doing it at once is generally more convenient than twice or more. We do need you home for the day of installation. We also recommend that you have a safe place for your pets and children as we come in and out of the home multiple times. It’s often easier to schedule days away for both one time than several times.

Better Curb Appeal

When all your windows look the same, your home looks better. Even if you’re not planning on selling your home, it’s a good idea to replace them all at once simply for appearance. Most manufacturers keep their lines similar for years, however, there’s no guarantee that your color or style will continue to be available even in one or two years.

Call Us for a Free Estimate

Although we don’t require you to replace all your windows at once, we do have a three-window minimum. No matter how many replacement windows you want or need for your home, we’ll provide you with a free estimate and work to find you the most affordable windows that meet your goals. Call us today at (317) 356-4666 or fill out our contact form.

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